
Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day was back on Friday 17th March and after a great success last year, our Charity Committee decided it would be important and fun to take part again this year. We joined people across the nation to show that laughter has the power to change lives.

With that in mind we all sponsored one of our Talent Managers Leon Hunter-Rowe, to be quiet for as long as possible, his sponsored silence was a great success last year so we thought we would try and quiet The OPRA Group’s biggest chatterbox again this year! Well done Leon, you have raised so much money for this brilliant cause two years running now! We are very proud of you.

Our Senior Talent Consultant Young Huynh, suggested he would perform 100 press ups for cash this year, as a new innitiative to the day. Young smashed it and finished his sit ups with ease! Well done Young, that’s more money in the pot!

The team paid to take part in the ‘Guess How Many Sweets Are In The Jar Competiton’ with the nearest winning the prize was Lynda Preston with a guess of 94, well done Lyn! Hope you enjoed the sweet treats!

The whole team wore brightly coloured tops, Comic Relief tops, baked cakes to sell and all tried so hard along with being so very busy in the office this week. Well done everyone for putting in the extra effort.

We are proud to say that we exceeded our target by 106% and raised £265! We are assured that this donation will make a powerful difference to people here in the UK and around the world. 

This is how the money helps:

£10 could pay for a day of play sessions for a child with a disability in the UK.

£20 could provide resources for an educational session about mental health and emotional wellbeing for a group of young people in India.

£30 could pay for a support session for a young person in mental health crisis in the UK.

You can view our Just Giving Page here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/rednoseday23-opra-group-ltd?utm_source=copyLink&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=rednoseday23-opra-group-ltd&utm_campaign=pfp-share&utm_term=fef4125ab78f4c3497a83510fc250ffd

#RedNoseDay #ComicRelief #FundRaising