Air Ambulance Week fell on 9th – 15th September 2024 and Essex and Herts Air Ambulance (EHAAT), asked their supporters to CHOOSE A COLOUR, RAISE MONEY, and SAVE LIVES! Did you know that…
Our wellbeing experts give us insight into health and wellness that we may not think about. We all know we need to drink more water, but do we really understand…
Background checks provide you with additional information to help you to make more informed hiring decisions. Screening your potential or existing employees reduces the risk of hiring or retaining individuals…
Our Director Adele was interviewed by George Chesterton, Senior Features Editor at The Telegraph Newspaper, to give her opinion and expert advice for an article about ‘microaggressions’ in the workplace…
Awaiting exam results can be a nerve-wracking experience. As the countdown to the release of A-Level, T-Level, GCSE and other results begin, the anticipation is building and the young folk…
As we continue to support Essex and Herts Air Ambulance this year, we were excited to see that they were running a sweepstake for the Euro 2024 competition. Essex &…
We are proud to sponsor The Will To Fight MMA, Muay Thai and Fitness’s new kits. The Will To Fight is a prestigious Muay Thai/MMA gym located in Wickford that…
Now Summer has finally arrived, so has the surge in annual leave requests. We know this can bring challenges for your business as you strive to maintain productivity, without overburdening…
Our Resourcing Business Partner, Natasha Parirewha, began her Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship with The OPRA Group after initially taking a different path from her original career aspirations. Tash – as…
Did you know that an estimated 17m working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression, and anxiety in recent times? Wellbeing is not just a buzzword to be bandied…