
Rukshar (Receptionist)

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the recent Flex shifts I have been assigned. Your efforts in facilitating these opportunities are greatly appreciated. The experience has been invaluable, and I am grateful for your continued support.


Wellbeing Course Attendee

I enjoyed the Tirapy session and I never imagined that rolling a ball would be quite so hard – the best bit was the concentration it took to roll just one ball – all the voices and things to do in my head just stopped ! Brilliant!


Wellbeing Course Attendee

The workshop was great fun and nice to have some “me time” which I find hard to fit in through the week


Wellbeing Course Attendee

I think it’s great that The OPRA Group offer wellness workshops, it lifts spirits and makes employees feel like the company cares about their wellbeing out of work as well as in work


Wellbeing Course Attendee

Just to say thank you for providing this service I have never known a company to provide this in my entire working career


Wellbeing Course Attendee

Just to say thank you for providing this service I have never known a company to provide this in my entire working career


Wellbeing Course Attendee

I think that the Wellbeing programme offered by The OPRA Group is a very good programme which is accessible to everyone in the company