

Flexible working has many benefits, enjoying freedom and trying new employers and jobs is a great way to gain lots of experience and bridge the gap between full-time jobs. Here’s some top tips from our experts:

Stay within your industry sector

Temporary contracts are still stepping stones towards your career path goals. Thinking strategically about those choices could have long term benefits. Gaining new skills, knowledge and abilities and growing new relationships are all key to a positive experience and keeping you on track.


Showing enthusiasm each day will make you feel like a valued member of the team and you will have a feeling of achievement on a daily basis. Arrive on time each and every working day, show your willingness to work by actively volunteering your help if you have finished your tasks and show a positive attitude. It will not go unrecognised and you will have a great reference at the end of your contract.

Know your limits

If you are replacing someone on a temporary basis, you are not going to step straight into their shoes and do things exactly like they do. Just be you and strive to be the best version of you that you can be.

Network with your team

Use the temporary contracts to grow your network, you have nothing to lose! The people you meet along the way can introduce you to other great opportunities and contacts. Keep professional and follow up where appropriate.

Learn new skills!

You have a unique chance to learn lots of new skills, systems, software, technologies, applications and practicing those you may be a little unsure of, to build your skill base.

Keep a record

If you receive a great email giving you praise, keep it! Note and save successes wherever you can, you most likely will not get the same 121 reviews as the permanent staff so keep your own record! These ‘testimonials’ are very useful when you want to apply for new temporary, or possibly permanent, positions.

Thinking about your future?

If your temporary employer has hinted at your position evolving into a permanent one, do not pester people ‘in house’. Go back to your agency and let them deal with this for you. It is unlikely your temporary contract will change before the timings already agreed, so bide your time and go through the right channels.


Asking for feedback at the end of your contract is useful in two ways, it will establish you as professional and conscientious within your current temporary role, plus you will discover constructive criticisms or positives that you can work on. You should ask about other opportunities within the organisation, request references/recommendations from your manager and other key team members and referrals for other job roles. Schedule time with your manager in good time to allow this process to be diarised.